At best, our import instrument serial numbers indicate year of production. They will not determine the exact month & day.
Additionally the serial number process has changed over the decades at our factories & is not straight forward. Also there are exceptions to any rule such as serial number dating.
Our Czech serial number info is as follows :
1993 thru 2000: serial numbers do not indicate year of production. Use our Czech Archived Import Model Sheet on our site & use the bass specs to determine the years of production.
Note: some early SSD Czech models may not have a serial number.
2001 is when our Czech model serial numbers started to indicate the year of production. On the back of the headstock you will find “NB” with digits following.
2001 – 2010
If there are four digits after the NB, you would add (1) to the first digit to determine the year.
NB 0212 = 2001
NB 2517 = 2003
NB 9914 = 2010
Starting in 2011 there will be five digits after the NB and the rule is to add (1) to the second digit from the left.
NB 10219 = 2011
NB 11543 = 2012
However this system does not apply to more “modern” NB serial numbers….they appear to be as follows:
NB 12xxx = 2013 thru 2014.
NB 13xxx = 2015 thru 2016.
NB 14xxx = 2017.
NB 15xxx = started late 2018.